Christopher Turf, R.Ph.Christopher Turf works as a clinical consultant in conventional and natural medicine therapies in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, consulting with patients from around the world. Chris’s expertise includes chronic health conditions, heavy metals testing and detox, autoimmune disorders, nutrigenomics, hormone replacement therapies, GI inflammation and dysbiosis, blocked detox pathways, adrenal deficiencies, identifying drug interactions, drug/nutrient interactions and depletions, and product formulations.
A certified compounding pharmacist and herbalist with 25 years of experience, Chris grew up in the Rockies, where, from an early age, he began studying cultivation of garden plants and identification of wild edible and medicinal plants. He graduated with honors from the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and received its Clinical Pharmacy Award in 1992. Chris continued his education in herbalism through Bastyr University’s Herbal Science program, and received advanced compounding training through PCCA, Gallipot and Medisca, the country’s leading pharmaceutical compounding professional programs. From 2001 to 2011 Chris served as Head Pharmacist and Director of Pharmacy at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, a company that pioneered a new pharmacy concept. Pharmaca delivers conventional and compounded prescription services, along with a full compliment of herbal, homeopathic and functional food supplements with a professional staff of pharmacists, herbalists, naturopaths, homeopaths, estheticians and nutritionists. To date Pharmaca has grown to 30 stores in a 5 state area. Following his tenure at Pharmaca and prior to establishing his own practice, Chris was Chief Clinician at Quicksilver Scientific, a laboratory that specializes in superior liposomal delivery systems, mercury testing and blood metal/nutrient testing. At Quicksilver, Chris’s intensive study of heavy metals chemistry and mechanisms of disease pathogenesis, coupled with Quick Silver’s state of the art testing and liposomal product formulation, made for an environment of discovery and enlightenment. It became even more clear that many of the maladies that seem to be unexplained by conventional medicine are related, and may be explained by altered detoxification ability, dietary habits, epigenetics and environmental exposure. Even more exciting to Chris, was his deepening understanding of how disease states can be altered with the proper application of lifestyle, dietary modification and targeted supplementation strategies. How I work: When people contact me it is normal that they are feeling poorly, are concerned, and are trying to determine whether I am a good fit as a practitioner. Often people would like to communicate a bit, whether by phone, email, Skype, etc. in order to make their decision. This is normal, and welcomed. Most of my clients I do not meet face to face, due to the great distances they live from me, and for this, technology is a blessing. I have many clients who don't live in the USA, and other than figuring out time-zones, it really doesn't present problems. Once people have decided whether I am a fit, then I begin to gather information. I have an intake form that I will email to you. The intake form has questions about your history, your symptoms, your diet, any medications or supplements you are using, sleep patterns, etc. I also like to look at any relevant labs that you can email to me. All of this information helps me to begin work on the puzzle, and begin to see the big picture. Once I have looked this over, I will now have formulated some further questions, maybe a hypothesis, and a beginning plan of action. Next, I like to have a formal phone call (or Skype/chat, etc) to round out the information, and fill in any blanks that I may have. This call usually takes between 1-2 hours. After our talk, I will create an "Overview" email, and cover the information we spoke about. This generally re-hashes the evidence leading to how I think we should create a rational plan of action, what the timelines are, and what modalities I would like to suggest you employ, including lifestyle, sleep, diet and supplementation, and a general idea of what the protocol will cost. For folks in the United States, I am able to source the professional supplements you will need. I often get discounts, and do pass them along to you. For those outside the US, we may have to be creative about how to get the supplements to you, but there are many ways to do this! If you have a doctor or practitioner you are working with, it is no problem for me to talk with them, and work with them. Keep in mind, I AM NOT A PRIMARY CARE PRACTITIONER, but a part of your health care support team. You must have a doctor for primary medical care. Payment: I charge $200 per hour for research and consultation, and I will send you an invoice that can be paid via credit card, debit card or Paypal. The initial intake and overview typically requires 2 hours. I do require payment prior to reviewing Intake forms or labs, and before recommending or sending supplements. I do not require regular check ins, BUT if I do not hear from you for awhile I will probably check in on you! I am available for any and all questions, whether via email, phone or Skype, chat, and get back to people very quickly. Contact me at 303-823-9867 or [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you! |